Monday, April 21, 2008

MAY 31, 1974

My all-time favorite picture:
Grandma Peterson, Grandma Thomas, us,
Grandma Eliza, and Grandma Williams

Oh dear, this is my engagement picture that appeared
in Malad's Idaho Enterprise and Pocatello's Idaho State Journal.
The parents.

Just before our reception line began. This is taken at the Malad Stake Building. I thought my dress was amazing and Jon was so handsome in his crushed blue velvet tux. Heeheehee.

Where: Salt Lake Temple

Call me sentimental, but it was always my dream to be married in this Temple, in my mind The Church's Symbol. Jon was in love and anything I wanted I could have.

I took my endowments out in the Logan Temple on May 20th. It was a special day for Malad Valley. EVERYONE fasted, prayed and spent the day at the Temple asking for much needed moisture.

It was one of the most amazing days of my life.

The old man in the Temple kept asking us if we just wanted to get married right then and not wait the two weeks. I think Jon was willing but the dark, ominous glare from Erma (who had plans for the reception up the ying-yang) kept us from charging ahead.

Jon's dad commented that night in his home how proud he was of us. It was so sincere and heart-felt that I will never forget that moment. My Jon has mentioned to me then and many times since how happy I looked. I think the word was glowing or radiant. The Temple is a very special place for me.

Well. . .

The night before the wedding, my mom and I stayed in Hotel Utah (now Joseph Smith building). Jon and his family came down the morning OF the big day. I couldn't believe they would take that chance and not be down here the night before. Oh well...

Early in the morning: My brother David who was living in Utah at the time stopped by. His Afghan dog began licking my leg while I was putting my make-up on. I nearly had a heart attack.

My dress, my mom and I went to the Temple to begin the big day. Each Temple has a special "Bride's room." Oh my, there was never anything more beautiful than the one in SLC. It was oh so special to be in this room with my mom.

The ceremony began in a special room to hear some words of wisdom and be taught a little more about what we were going to witness that day. Carolyn and Grandma Williams were in the room. Wow, was I relieved to know they made it!

We had to wait for our ceremony. David was my witness and did not have a tie. Someone ran to ZCMI's and bought him a tie so we could do our thing. Good grief. He was such a hippy.

The wedding ceremony was conducted by President Edmunds, the Temple President. He was wonderful. He told many fun stories and admonished us to keep our marriage fun. The only story I remember is about the Prophet David O. McKay and his wife having wheelchair races in the Hotel Utah. I love that story. I know that Jon and I have kept our marriage full of fun. It is my goal to have an electric car race at Disneyland.

Those attending that I can remember: Mom, Nancy, Aunt Olive, Aunt Mable, Mrs. Robertson (I had just finished my bit teaching in her 1st grade class in Mapleton), Jon and Carolyn, Grandma Williams, Pres. and Bea Sorenson, Verna and Verlin Allen, Bishop and Betty Crowther, and probably others that I can't remember. Outside waiting for us were Grandma Eliza and her husband Kelly, Connie, and Ned.

We went to the Maddox after for our wedding breakfast. All my brothers were there. That was really neat for me. I don't know why I didn't think they cared or why it suprised me they showed up at the Maddox. It must be the little sister syndrome. The entire Thomas crew was there.

We ate Chicken Fried Steak and corn pones with Budge's Honey. The worst part of the meal was when Jon's dad stood up and thanked everyone for coming and then turned the time over to me and Jon. Good grief. I didn't have anything to say. I muttered and stumbled and probably made a fool of myself.

This was only half as bad as when they turned the microphone over to us at the reception. Was that a stupid tradition or what?

Tales of "the reception of the century" is for another day's blog. . .


Lydia said...

Wow, you're quite the blogger already! Nice job.

Jon Ward said...

The reason we didn't come the night before was because we were in the middle of spring work. I would have been there, but my dad would have preferred us getting married a different time, although there was never a convenient time on the farm. I would not have missed the event. In fact, we were there very early.